Sunday 12 November 2017

CoffeMonster day 5

TD2 Release Date + 3 Weeks... Where to start ? 

Like always I'm not sure how to start. Writing posts or any kind of longer texts was never my strongest skill. But hey I try my best ...

This week I spend some time playing Horizon New Dawn : The Frozen Wilds and I need to say I'm still charmed by whole series. The more I play it the more I'm asking myself if remake I working on will have similar effects on the other people. It would be great if after finishing it they would like more. Well we will see there is still long road to finishing up ...

When I thinking about finishing game I always have this sad feeling and memory of 8 years that I work on this game. It is never easy to think about something that is so far and so close in the same time. 

Last three weeks were spend mostly on lets call it breaking stuff. Tech Demo 2 content no longer works, game is broken and tools are still in pieces after my recent changes. On top of that I had flu half of week which didn't helped with progress and assured me that I will need to aiming with TD3 somewhere around half of January. But I'm not even sure anymore if I will be possible to make all changes for this date.

I don't like to delays things I announced but this time even half of January won't be easy deadline. Remember how I mentioned in previous posts that I plan to do more unit tests? Now I have 380 of low level code tests and 14 of tools test (added this weekend). Sadly this covering really small part of code base and each time I touching some part of that don't have tests I just adding them. This slowing down stuff but in the same time allow to find so many issues that were missed when code was originally written.

In the end there is no point to think about all this doubts and negative things. This won't help me make better game but stuff I working on will and I'm getting really excited just thinking about all this opening new possibilities.

The older I get and more time I spend on whole project I should probably get more and more skeptic but it is other way around. I'm now in this sweet spot where I finally have strong base of code and can play around with all this awesome toys I have. This make me excited.

The best example of this are the changes that I doing right now. They are not easiest one. They are sometimes boring like hell (I need to redo some tools). But in the end I don't regret even for moment that I decided to do them because I already see with my imagination what cool stuff I will be able to achieve with it.

In the end to show that I didn't forgot about game: Preview of female spheros sculpture (Still early version).
