Saturday 26 September 2020

The 26th-Anniversary - 2 weeks countdown

So we are already two weeks before the anniversary stream. And this was an intense week. 

My event T-Shirt arrived (If you like it you can get your own):

Not long ago there was released french interview from Didier Chanfray (English version) who is one of developers behind original game and owner of the right. What is cool about this is that I got recognition and was mentioned there by a name:

[GF] Pour terminer cette première partie de l’interview sur le premier Little Big Adventure… Ce jeu capte à lui seul une grande communauté de fans, et on peut s’émerveiller de voir certains d’entre eux écrire des nouvelles scénaristiques (comme le passé des Dino-Fly), des tentatives de remakes avec les moteurs actuels, d’effectuer des speedruns du jeu… En tant que co-créateur de ce jeu, qu’est-ce que cela te fait de voir que ce jeu, créé il y a 26 ans, génère encore autant de créations et de contenus ?

On ne comprend pas, avec Fred… C’était pas calculé, si tu veux. Au départ, nous avons essayé de mettre tout ce que nous avions en nous, mais après… Tu sais, le processus de création, je l’ai rencontré plein de fois dans ma carrière. Il y a eu de bons produits, de moins bons produits. De bonnes expériences, et d’autres, moins bonnes… Le processus créatif est rarement le même pour chaque projet. Il dépend des personnes, du contexte. Je ne suis pas superstitieux, mais je pense simplement que l’alignement des planètes a été bon. Et je remercie vraiment le Groupe Delphine, qui nous laissait libres et se chargeait du reste à côté. On était une petite équipe aussi, on était proche. Je ne sais pas ce que c’est de travailler dans une équipe de 150 personnes, je ne l’ai jamais fait. Mais quand je vois tous ces fans qui font des remakes, je trouve ça super, même dingue ! Il y a notamment un mec qui s’appelle Greg, qui est en train de faire un truc vraiment super… mais aussi plein d’autres que l’on ne remerciera jamais assez.

English translation: 

[GF] To end this first part of the interview on the first Little Big Adventure… This game, alone, captures a large community of fans, and we can be amazed to see some of them write new scripts (like the past of the Dino-Fly), attempts remakes with current engines, to perform speedruns of the game ... As a co-creator of this game, how do you feel when you see that this game, created 26 years ago, still generates as many creations and content?

We don't understand, with Fred ... It wasn't calculated, honestly. In the beginning, we tried to put everything we had in us, but after that ...
You know, about the process of creation : I've met it a lot of times in my career. There have been good products, and not so good products. Some good experiences, and some, not so good ... The creative process is rarely the same for every project. It depends on the people, on the context. I am not superstitious, but I just think the alignment of the planets has been good. And I really thank the Delphine Group, which left us free and took care of the rest on the side. We were a small team too, we were close. I don't know what it's like to work in a team of 150 people, I never had to. But when I see all these fans doing remakes,
I think it's great, even crazy! There's a guy named Greg who's doing a really cool thing ... but also a lot of other guys who can't be thanked enough.

In the project we are right now in super intense development mode. Things changing from one day to another and slowly but steady whole thing start to taking the shape I want it to have. This of course not means that everything going as smoothly as I would like but well this is life. I will try to do as much as I can and we will see what will come with this 14 days left this is still a little bit of time.


Saturday 19 September 2020

The 26th-Anniversary - 3 weeks countdown

In all production, there is a time where the final countdown starts. We are of course not there, the project is still in preproduction. But in 3 weeks I will be revealing another portion of work that is done, and I promise there is a lot to show. 

That is why if the schedule will not change, Saturday 10th October 2020 at 3:00 PM UTC Time come and join me at the official Coffemonsters channel. This will be right before the 3 hours interview with Fred and Didier the original creators of Little Big Adventure. I also recommend checking out other streamers as there will be a lot of cool content for the celebration of the 26th-Anniversary of Little Big Adventure 1.