Friday 2 August 2024

Tribute, quo vadis?

Things never stay the same, this is a constant in life.

I experienced this a lot in the last half a year. I finished working for Unity Technologies and moved back to Poland to live with my girlfriend. I started a new consulting job for which I created my own company. I of course named it "Coffemonsters". Things are good.

This could potentially be the end of the post, but then it would be a short and boring one 😁 I'm curious how many of you noticed a foreshadowing of problems.

1... 2... 3...

When I created the company I was happy that finally, "Coffemonsters" is something more than just a name. I'm still happy about it but some problems came with it. On one sunny day, I went for a walk and realized that there was a potential problem regarding Tribute.

Till now we were making things under this name as individuals. This was ok as we were creating a Tribute for the game we liked. Now with Coffemonsters being a company, this means that we could step on the toes of 2.21 :( So what to do now?

I did the most oblivious thing that was to do. Give up on the project. No... just joking. I wrote to Ben from 2.21 and just asked him directly if this would be a problem. I had nothing to lose. What I learned is:
  • He knows who I am and that I work on Tribute.
  • He is ok with us continuing to work on the project.
  • They really care about LBA and its community.
So nothing changed, we are still continuing work on the project. We also really encourage you to support the upcoming remake from 2.21. I believe they are doing the best they can to bring to us once again the magic of the Twinsen universe.