Saturday 4 July 2020

Update June-July 2020

Time flys by ... we have already July. This means, time for another update. But before we will move to it I noticed that I forgot to post a link to June update. Let's fix it now:

For this who are not so much into the topic, this update was part of LBA2 anniversary event. This is an event where fans of both games doing some LBA related streams across two days. If you missed it don't be worried you can still watch recordings at  Unofficial Official Little Big Adventure Channel.

There is also good news 10-11 October 2020 there will be another one. This time Little Big Adventure 1 anniversary event (schedule you can find at I would of course not skip this occasion so at 18:00 UTC 10th October I will be streaming the "LBA1 remake Project update stream".

I normally would just do a standard update: Show what I worked on, show game footage, and talk about development. Well, as you may notice I don't like to do stuff a normal way. This time it will not be different and I plan something special. 

Whenever I entering this "special" mode things never go easily. This kind of stuff requires an extra push and what comes with it: extra efforts, focus, mental and physical exhaustion. To limit a little bit burden of this all on me I decided to enter a silent mode. This means more or less no updates from me for the next three months where I will focus on the content for the anniversary stream. 

If this is the right way to do it? I don't know. What I know is that I want to turn this year's anniversary stream into something special. This reason is enough for me to do it.

In this place, I will end this post and return back to doing stuff. Till the next time.