Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Update - 24 January 2017 - Mystery revealed ...

Sorry for no update but I was a little bit busy recently. But well I think this is a good occasion to reveal some of mystery about missing preview, updates and why the hell I cannot work on my normal PC for longer time :)

As you know I started once again bringing back to life Linux build. This have a some advantages like finding of few nasty bugs, better validation of code in clang (Linux compiler I using) and require from me more abstract thinking. It have also some cons like: time it require to validate each change I doing. This was biggest reason I stopped working on it but well right now I don't have a lot of choice because my stuff will be transported to different location and wait for me to settle down in new place.

This month I finished my story in D&D session (I were DM in it). I played last session in D&D game where I'm player and told farewell to really awesome people working for Sumo Digital. Tomorrow I have flight and soon starting new story in my life surrounded by other awesome people working for Unity Technologies.

How this will affect this project ? It will result in some delay in work. Reason behind this is I'm still not feel fully comfortable with coding and debugging in Linux but well I slowly getting there. So yeah other then that things still going forward. I will try to post some new screen-shots form game (this laptop is not strong enough to do movie recording and running game in the same time). And yeah see you soon.


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