Saturday, 18 January 2020

Project update - January 2020

I know that I recently don't write too many posts on the website but this is mostly because I spend a lot of time designing and developing new stuff for the project. I promise that I will write more when I will finally dig out myself from all this work.

I probably could write posts about this right now but I don't want to. There are 2 reasons:
  1.  I already split my time between too many things.
  2.  I don't like to talk about stuff without anything to support that it works.
So, for now, stick with me and I will try not to disappoint:] Till then I try to do a monthly updates on twitch to show what I working on. One of them will happen next week: 

Come by if you are interested or even if you just want to say hi.



  1. Nice job, don't pressure yourself, i loved this game as a child and i love to see that other peoples remembers this game too

    1. Thanks I try not to :D I do a lot of stuff in project but recently I mostly have fun from it. I switched to streams mostly because they require less preparation from me than doing video updates or writing posts and it is fun to have interaction with people that watching. Still in the end I think I will still need to do some recaps from it in form of short videos or posts.

  2. I keep coming to this project year after year, always great to hear from you and see that you are still working at it and always improving, really like your programming posts.

    1. Thanks it always great to see that people returning back to this project and seeing progress :] Regards programming posts I should probably write more of them but for now I'm bussy building stuff to talk about.
